点击 Services -> ISCSI -> Authorized Accesses -> Add Authorized Access
输入后,我们点击view all authorized accesses
点击Services -> ISCSI -> Initiators -> Add Initiator
输入后点view all initiators
点击Services -> ISCSI -> Portals -> Add Portal
直接点OK即可,点view all portals查看配置
4、Target Global Configuration
点击 Services -> ISCSI -> Targets -> Add Target,根据实际情况输入
6、Device and File Extents设置
这步是设置共享,iscsi中共享的不是卷,而是device extent或者file extent
Device extent: allows a raw partition or ZFS volume (zvol) to be exported via iSCSI. The advantage of device extent is that they are faster than file extents. The disadvantage is that the entire volume is exported. If you only want to share a portion of a volume using iSCSI, you will need to create a file extent instead.
File extent: allows you to export a portion of a volume. When creating a file extent, you can specify either a non-existing file name or an existing ZFS dataset. that iSCSI clients will have access to (similar in concept to a mount point) and the maximum size of that file (storage area). The advantage of file extents is that you can create multiple exports per volume. The disadvantage is that they are slower than device extents.
这里我们只演示device extent
Services -> ISCSI -> Device Extents -> Add Device Extent
7、Associated Targets设置
最后一步是将Target和Extent关联起来,Services -> iSCSI -> Associated Targets -> Add Target/Extent
8、windows xp 连接iscsi